Share the links below to earn free message units when others signup!

Share links and when others sign up, you earn units.

Earning free text messages and robocalls has never been easier! It's as simple as sharing your unique referral code to your network, so they can see the value Robotalker's services can create for their businesses. What's better than informing your local organizations, networking groups, and trusted contacts about a valuable service that you know will benefit them? You only need to copy and paste your unique referral link to share on your website, to your email lists, or on your social media to start earning 500 message units for every 3 people who sign up as your referral! One message unit is either 500 robocalls OR 1000 text messages.

Plus, those 3 signups will receive 25 robocalls OR 50 text messages to test Robotalker's service immediately! Do you want to hear another bonus to the Robotalker affiliate program? We want you to refer as many people as you want. There's no limit on how many people can sign up to Robotalker with your affiliate code. Do you think your church will benefit from Robotalker? Or your child's school? Maybe your friend's small business? Tell them about Robotalker today by sharing your unique affiliate link.

If you want FREE text messages then you must know the value Robotalker can create! So spread the word. Take your unique Robotalker affiliate link and start sharing it today.

Your network will thank you, and you will start earning FREE text messages immediately after referral signups are verified. * We validate referrals to ensure integrity of our affiliate program - All credit cards and user accounts MUST BE from a NEW user or credit will not be given for sign up to either referral or referrer.